About The Comic

Fancy That is one of those things that started off as a lark and quickly blossomed into tons of extra work.  We're not complaining, mind you.  Not at all.  It's been terribly rewarding.  The rigors of comicking were simply not well-known to us at the time we began working.  We've learned since.

The comic itself revolves around roommates Kent Reynolds and Brighton Forrester and the colorful characters they seem to invariably attract.  It's very much a slice-of-life comic, and the life that it's a slice of is pretty down-to-Earth, so if you're looking for something that has spaceships or swords or revolvers you'd best look someplace else.  On the other hand, if you enjoy buddy comedies, booze, lesbians, deadpan snarking, and the occasional tabletop roleplaying reference, you'll probably feel right at home here.

Someday, Fancy That will probably transform into a full-blown ensemble strip, which will be great, because at that point we'll get to enact some of the more entertaining soap opera cliches: the Evil Twin, the Long-Lost Sibling, and, of course, the Sudden And Medically Inexplicable Case Of Amnesia.  This entire paragraph has been a lie.  Except for the first bit, about it probably turning into an ensemble strip eventually.  That was true.

The comic's lettering is done in Mighty Zeo 2.0, available free for independent comic creators at Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering.

For those of you who are curious, we update on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule, and every Friday strip is in color.

About The Authors

S.J. HartsfieldS.J. Hartsfield is a twenty-three year old Creative Studies graduate who currently works two jobs, neither of which involves creativity.  Her girlfriend is prettier than yours, she has only cried once when drunk, and when she grows up she wants to be Madeleine Kahn.  Her favourite colour is pink and she really, really likes Hello Kitty.  The S.J. stands for Sarah Janelle, but she uses her initials because it gives her friends something to poke fun at.  Like they needed it.

James DicksonJames Dickson is a guy with a Theatre Arts degree who is more than a little bit new to the writing of any kind of comic.  He likes to think that he's learning along the way.  He also likes to pretend he knows how to do web design, when in reality he's just making it up as he goes--which seems to work for him.  When not comicking, he entertains himself with hats and brunettes and far more Terry Pratchett than is probably healthy for a growing boy.