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Monday , December 14 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


And so we return, long overdue, and I am perfectly willing to accept all blame for the delay. Because, dear reader, there comes a time in each man's life when he must stand upon the field of battle, stripped of the raiment of pacifism, and decide once and for all his fate: to be one of those who glory in the murder of others and live for the reek of blood, dust, and death that is the stench of war, or to be one that will stand firm and strong with Taoist surety of purpose, only doing what one must to survive and keeping all the grim solemnity of a funeral amid the Bacchanalian revels of victory.

This was not that time for me. It was a time of being a lazy git, and for that I apologize. Work has been sapping me dry of late, and I simply was unable to summon the energy to scan the comic for Photoshoppery at Sarah's hands, and then to follow through with the lettering of the comic, and then to compose a writ of wit and wisdom such as you are reading at this very moment, before finally posting the whole sordid mess to the vasty nothingness of the Internet. I was much more content to let my ragged mind rest at peace reading about giant human-piloted biomechanical horrors, alien fungoid insects, and dark and terrible gods.

Why I found this relaxing, I'm not wholly sure. Perhaps it is simply so similar to the landscape of my own mind? One may never know. There was also the little thing where my Gurren Lagann DVD collection arrived about a week ago, something that has seized my attention in no small way.

The nice thing is that now Shelly has offered to join forces with Kent and Quin, they might just get up to something interesting. Though that will be saved for a later time, for I have certain short-term aims in mind that must be fulfilled first.

And there are also lesbians who will need to be checked in on sometime soon. You know, just to make sure they're not getting up to any trouble.
