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Thursday , March 12 , 2009

So here we are, first comic's up, the site's more or less functional (erring on the side of "less", really), and this is, I suppose, the inaugural blog post.

Is there an internet analogue to shattering a bottle of champagne against a ship's hull? It seems as though there ought to be more ceremony to this. Oh well.

You'll have to pardon our dust for a little while. We (that is to say, Sarah and I...I'm James, by the by, nice to meet you) would like to get to the point where we can update daily, but there's still a few things to work out with the site. You might notice, for instance, that the promising-looking graphics by the lovely title image don't actually go anywhere. That is one of the many things that I hope to fix, and soon.

Moving on to the more functional aspects of the site, there is a Twitter feed off to your right. That seems to be working pretty well, such as it is. I figure eventually we'll get Sarah's in there, too, then you'll be able to keep up with both of us. Well, you'll be aware of what nonsense we're tweeting about at any given moment, at least. It would be nice if I could puzzle out a way to make a feed that would show both in the same widget, but my cursory explorations into that particular prospect have come up fruitless. I think I found some mad gibberings suggesting human sacrifice was the way to go, but I don't think there's any way to account for that in javascript.

Someone will probably show me how there is, and I will proceed to become a very worried man.

Anyway, we're up and away, and I hope you stick around to enjoy Fancy That.
