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Friday , August 21 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


So! I tried a little something different with the colouring today. It's a little sloppier, but in an "I meant to do that" sort of way. Right? Because I really did mean to do that.

I need to apologize for how off-model Kent got in the second panel, there. But trust me, the image I had drawn before was way worse. So... I guess that's something.

In other news, we'll be having an "Extras" section soon, so James leads me to believe. Right now I have a few fun things for it, including some remixes of old strips (with new dialogue by moi) and a shiny new wallpaper! It features Brighton being sexy and smirky, which is standard for her.

Also she looks better than she ever will in a strip.


The Writer    Posted by:


The return of Elise! And here you thought she was introduced to no greater purpose than to discomfit Brighton in the supermarket. Well, that'll show you to make assumptions about the purpose of characters, now, won't it? And for those of you who didn't think that Elise was created as filler for an early, wandering storyline...well, good on you.

Elise came out of her character redesign looking even cuter than before. Which baffles me, especially considering that my initial conception of her (as I explained a while back) was that she would be profoundly irritating, as opposed to adorable.

The above-mentioned extras section ought to be going up sometime over the weekend, in order to facilitate access to the brand spanking new wallpaper (which looks very impressive) and Sarah's remixed (vaguely Dadaist) strips. I just need to toss it together and get everything uploaded, which shouldn't take too terribly much time.

In other, unrelated news, I performed computer surgery for only the second time in my life this afternoon. The first time was to upgrade my laptop's RAM from 512MB to 768MB in order to facilitate smoother graphics back in my early World of Warcraft days (that is to say, in the halcyon summer of '06). The boost was sorely needed. It's tricky to play a MMORPG when you're getting a frame rate of about one per second. Anyway, this time it was the same procedure, but to make the giddy leap from 768MB to a much more impressive 2GB of good old fashioned random access memory. Except this upgrade was just to help computational performance in general. I think that software is rapidly being upgraded beyond my aging laptop's capabilities, and as such the computer needs every bit of extra oomph I can muster for it to not get bogged down.

I'm sure this won't be the last bit of computer surgery I do. In point of fact, I fully intend to do much more, albeit on my old desktop machine. How old is this desktop, you ask? Here's a hint: it runs Windows ME. One of the most unstable operating systems of all time. I think Microsoft actually disavowed any knowledge of Windows ME's existence four years ago and ritually immolated all remaining copies, so great was their shame. But I digress. The reason behind my sudden interest in butchering computers is that I'm studying up for the A+ certification exam, because it looks like it's the only way a mere hobbyist (such as myself) can get into the IT business. And I wouldn't mind fixing computers for a living, I don't think. It would be interesting.

Especially because, in that line of work, sometimes all you need is more magic.
