Kent gets embarrassed when talk turns specifically to vaginas. Especially when he's addressing such talk to a hormonal teenage girl. But I think it's totally worth it for the look of abject horror on Elise's face in the last panel. Also, I think Kent may have a powerful intrinsic impulse to tell the truth--whether that's due to personal morality or just to being a very bad liar, I haven't figured out yet.
The events described in this strip are, of course, fiction. I have no personal olfactory experience with used copies of Twilight. Indeed, I'm not even wholly certain that fans of the series would relinquish their copies in any but the most desperate of circumstances (rather like devotees of the SNES version of Chrono Trigger and the PS1 version of Final Fantasy VII), so there are probably precious few on the used market. I do think, despite the fact that the whole concept came extempore from my mother wit, that the above is a reasonable extrapolation. As I understand, quite a few secondhand hentai manga have pages that stick together, so it only goes to reason that some copies of Twilight would come back into circulation smelling vaguely of fish.
Or salsa. Whatever.
Anyway, you may have gathered that my understanding of the Twilight phenomenon is based on the idea that it is a kind of emotional pornography. This is wholly accurate, and something I can completely understand. Whether this understanding will hold up under actual perusal of the book itself is another matter entirely, and one that I intend to set aside until a later date. When I have a job again, and extra money on hand.
At which point, I'll discover what, if anything, used copies of Twilight smell like.
P.S. All the teasing about Twilight fans is in good humor, I would just like to remind everyone. Folk like what they like, and it's best to let them be. Besides, I have a picture of the Dragonzord as my desktop. I'm in no position to judge anyone.