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Monday , February 1 , 2010

The Writer    Posted by:


I figure it's about time to give a little backstory on these two jokers, we go. When Harry Met Sally seemed like as good a jumping-off point as any. It really is a damn fine movie, even if the message is a little bit skewed. Anyway, buckle/saddle/liquor up, gird your loins, and brace yourself, because you're about to take a trip down Memory Lane in Fancy That, USA.

Shit's gonna get weird.

I am told we are going to have some original buttsex art from The Artist sometime in the near/not so distant/eventual future. Fortunately, it is not of Quin and Kent. I felt I ought to qualify that. Quin and Kent wouldn't ever consider such a thing, not even in Wacky Flashback Land. This art (which is, I may add, is of buttsex) will grace the Extras page when it does appear. Trust me when I say I will offer you notice/warning when said artwork goes live.

It is somewhat gratifying to see that my reaction to the iPad (come to of my own accord during the five minutes of research I spent examining the device's features) is pretty much standard fare. It was especially self-affirming for me to see that Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade not only shared in my sentiments, but did so on the same day. Even Hitler, topped only by Stalin in terms of the scale of his committed atrocities, is thoroughly disapproving of Apple's new device.

At this rate, the iPad is going to wither on the vine, joining the Virtual Boy, the Philips CD-i, HD-DVD, Betamax, and the Neo Geo Pocket Color in whatever limbo aborted electronic fetuses are damned to for all eternity. But it will teach Apple a bloody important lesson about not wasting people's fucking time.

Note that some of the above were not necessarily bad things. Most of them are pretty neutral. Really, the Neo Geo is the only actively not-bad thing on the above list. The Philips CD-i, on the other hand, can rot in hell.

You know why.
