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Friday , February 12 , 2010

The Writer    Posted by:


So much eyeliner.

I'm intrigued to discover that, at this point in history, Brighton seems to be extremely adamant about her sexual preferences. I suppose upon discovery of a facet of one's identity, it is only natural to want to express its existence, to validate it after a fashion--the existential equivalent would be to stand on a barren rock in the dark span of the universe while screaming, "HERE I AM MOTHERFUCKERS. COME GET SOME!"

It's a matter of finding one's place in the world, is what I'm getting at. And not getting et by the daemon sultan Azathoth while you're at it, if you're the existentialist in the above example.

Chrono Trigger continues to amaze me as I progress through it. I'm not quite two hours in, but the experience thus far has been almost sublime. I can't recall seeing a JRPG so seamless in its execution before. It feels strangely mature. Even Final Fantasy VII, for all of its greatness, had its share of painfully puerile moments (like the Turks standing around talking about who they "like", as though they were middle-school girls). I have yet to encounter anything of that sort in Chrono Trigger. Some of our heroes have, of course, a certain kind of childlike idealism, but I consider that a Standard Feature on the part of any given character in that kind of setting. At least some RPG characters should come with a bad case of Usagi Tsukino Syndrome. It helps to keep the more self-centered personalities in the party moving forward.

And there is, of course, the burning hope they carry that they can actually stop the Ultimate Evil/Tragic Villain/Misguided Extremist from destroying the entire world, which is something that I find personally appealing. Characters like that allow me to be awesome by proxy, doing magnificent things that would be impossible for me in the real world. That kind of escapism is what gaming is about for me.

In other news, I have acquired a new phone. Let it be known that the space key on this one actually works. Let it be known by all.

I shall, of course, reserve judgment until it has been in my possession for a few days.
