Her hate of teenagers is downright irrational, isn't it? I have compared her to a certain Power Rangers villain in the past, and I believe the comparison still stands. If anything, it stands taller.
One of these days I'm sure Elise will grow out of her little puppy-love phase and actually get on to the real thing. Despite her age, I have a strong suspicion that she's still in the kind of place where romance is equivalent to carefully crafting a heart-shaped handwritten note reading "do u like me? yes/no". Which I actually find kind of adorable, even endearing. But I have odd taste in women, so.
You have to wonder what has preserved her naivete all through her high school years. I say specifically that you have to wonder, because I know. And I've always been of the school of thought that great writers are somewhat akin to great magicians--they sometimes drop hints of what's to come, but they never skip straight to the prestige until the time is right. Neil Gaiman, I'm looking at you. "Low-key" Lyesmith, indeed.
Also, isn't Sarah's new newspost picture lovely? I understand I'll be getting one of my own soon. Until then, this one will have to do. Even though it does not reflect the great dignity of my semi-full beard. But few things can.