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Friday , September 25 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


Yes, that bar that Kent and Brighton spent the first few strips of this comic in? It is actually just called "The Bar". The owner/manager either suffers from a severe lack of imagination or has a fervent belief that simplicity is the best policy in advertising. Anyway, I recently tallied things up, and this brings us to a total of nine locations we've visited in FT's as-yet-unnamed city.

- The Bar.
- Higgins Park.
- Save-U-Much grocery store.
- Krazee Burger.
- A (currently) nameless convenience store.
- Tomes 4 Less Used Bookstore.
- Kent and Brighton's apartment complex.
- Shelly's apartment complex.
- Melody's apartment complex.

I make this list mostly for my own good, as I tend to be terrible at fictional geography. Which sounds a little strange, seeing as I get to make it up, but every once in a while I'll lose track of something important and suddenly it's simply not logistically or physically possible to have a forty foot bronze statue of a dong erected in praise of the city's patron god in the middle of the town square when there absolutely has to be one.

As you might be able to tell, this problem of mine mostly plagues fantasy stories. I think Fancy That ought to be fairly safe up to the point where the city takes on a life of its own, a la Ankh-Morpork, at which point I'll actually have to draw a goddamn map. And maybe give the city a name. But that day is a long ways and a massive cast of characters away, be assured. As I mentioned before, I'm reining in my character creation impulse on a nightly basis as I work on scripts for this comic, so the day FT's setting is populated with a cast of thousands is in the distant future.

For now, I'm perfectly happy with the crowd we've got.
