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Friday , March 27 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


Another stick figure filler, guys. Sorry about that. I'm not sure I'm at liberty to discuss precisely what precipitated the delay of today's strip, but let it simply be understood that it almost defines the phrase "extenuating circumstances".

I was going to make an earnest attempt at assembling an actual strip all on my own, complete with vector art a la Keychain of Creation and Order of the Stick (two very fine webcomics, by the way), but I have little to no sense of human anatomy. I knew that every single attempt I made at molding a human silhouette out of vectors was wrong, I simply didn't have any concept of how to fix their malproportioned hideousness. So I resorted to a stick figure rendition of Shelly, who we haven't seen for a while. And who I think is pretty.

She seems to be a little tetchy. I wonder why.

Anyway, real comic coming up Monday, unless we run into the most catastrophic weekend in the history of weekends. Let's hope we don't.
