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Friday , April 3 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


Poor Shelly. Gamemasters are invariably overworked and undersexed. At least, that's how it's been in my experience. She does look cute in her green pajamas, though. So there's that.

As promised, we have a comic in full color! It is Friday, after all. Fridays need to be good for something. And, as per the new schedule, we'll be getting another comic up on Monday. Be sure to look for it.

I wish I had some interesting things to say, or maybe some profound wisdom about life in general to pass on, but I don't. I spent the vast majority of yesterday frantically writing a short story that I need to have done (ideally) today, so I've been out of the loop as regards intriguing news, life-affirming knowledge, et cetera.

I will say this, though: I have plans to reboot an old blog of mine sometime in the not-so-distant future. You know, because a Twitter and a webcomic on their own simply aren't enough of an Internet presence for my massive ego. Anyway, if I were you, and I were interested, I'd look for a link to the blog on this site's "about" page.

You know, whenever that page goes up. Which probably won't be anytime this week.
