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Friday , April 10 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Another colour strip! I think I'm going to be using pencils from now on, rather than trying to do it with markers. Markers are... clunky. Also I can't find a good skin tone in them - unless I want shell out the kind of money my girlfriend spends on art supplies, and that's not bloody likely going to happen any time soon.

So, the strip itself. Brighton's hair looks like bubble gum, Kent is probably more tanned than you expected, and "bacon frenzy" is (c) Weebl. Kind of.

Also, a bit of fun trivia about Wednesday's strip: the black underwear that James was so fond of does not belong to Brighton. She stole it from Melody.


The Writer    Posted by:


The thought of one girl stealing another's underwear is strangely alluring to me.

But anyway.

You might have noticed that there have been a few changes to the site. That's because there have been. I've been trying to tidy up a bit--round out the corners on some things, let the text here in the blog section have wider line spacing so it can breathe a bit, and so on. We also have an RSS feed now! Well, we had one before, but it was nowhere near as easily accessible. It is, now, though! So you can either click the handy little icon that's in your address bar right now (for Firefox and Safari) or you can click the icon directly below your address bar if you happen to be using IE.

I have no idea how RSS feeds show up in Opera and Google Chrome. But I'm sure it's there, somewhere.

If all else fails, there is a button down near the bottom of the page that will lead you straight to the feed. I've never been one much for aggregators, but my experience with Google Reader has been fairly positive, so I'll go ahead and recommend that.

In other, exemplary news, I will actually have time to work on the site here for a while! So keep your fingers crossed, kiddies. There ought to be some new stuff coming around fairly soon.
