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Monday , March 23 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Holy shit! NIPPLES!

Yeah, I think our rating just shot up. But that's okay. Lesbian sex is the best reason to get a WEB-MA rating. =)


The Writer    Posted by:


I'm gonna go ahead and agree with the above sentiment. Lesbian sex is the very best reason to get a WEB-MA rating. I'm pretty sure up to this point we've been tottering around safely within the bounds of WEB-14 territory. No longer! Which is, in its way, awesome, because we now have license to do all sorts of things. We'll try our best to keep it from turning into outright porn, though. Promise.

Anyway, I'd like to call everyone's attention to our brand-new archive of strips. It's not very densely populated at the moment, but we've only been at this for about a week and a half. Give it time, folks. It's one more part of the website that's completed, and that's the important thing. Now the cast page and the about section are all that remain. Sometime soon I shall also get those up and running.

I think I've finally settled on a way to create the comic's speech bubbles that works every time. There's a little program called Inkscape that's been sitting on my hard drive for quite some time but hasn't seen much use. It's an open source (because that's how I usually roll) vector graphics editor, and...well, suffice to say that it lets me make smooth, pretty bubbles. And I like that.
