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Monday , April 6 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Holy shit! Nipples!

Oh, wait. I've already started a blog post like that.

Anyways, here's a little fanservice for the ladies. That Kent's a fox. Prrrrowr. Honestly though, I did have fun drawing that second panel. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. I just wish Kent would cheer up a little. Oh well. I'm sure some fun stuff is in store for him.

I considered making this strip in colour, but I don't want to ruin my Friday-only thing. So... yeah. That's really all I have to say.


The Writer    Posted by:


Let it never be said that we don't offer equal opportunity fanservice here at Fancy That. Because we certainly do, as evidenced by the above strip. The ladies and gay blokes of the world should never be left without.

I took a desktop Twitter client out for a test drive yesterday. It's called twhirl and it seems to be working splendidly. It's nice to be able to check on incoming tweets (and tweet myself) without having to crack open an entire Internet browser. It took me a while to find a client that had a clean interface (because a clean interface is always a must have for me, unless special circumstances apply), but I think I've got it in twhirl.

Also, I'm not just being lazy about capitalization. The lowercase "t" is part of the name.

When I have time (that is to say, sometime after Wednesday) I'll probably be making minor aesthetic improvements to the site, along with adding a button for our RSS feed. We have a page for it, believe it or not, there's just no obvious way to get there from the main page. And I'm sure that busy folk like yourselves would appreciate having ready access to it for your feed aggregators.

That's a fun word. "Aggregator". It sounds a little bit like something out of the Monster Manual. "After unlocking the door, you enter the next room. There is a narrow stone bridge over a pool of lava. It is the only way across. Atop the bridge are two owlbears, an umber hulk, and an aggregator. Behind them is a pie. What do you do?"


P.S. I only just now remembered that we've used this strip title before, but in a less-fictitious context. That would be my bad. We'll leave it be, though, for the sake of the funny anecdote it will provide ten years from now when these are collected in dead tree format.