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Monday , May 4 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


This comic is moist and delicious.

~ sjh

The Writer    Posted by:


It absolutely is.

The "*nom*" would be Kent biting into his much-awaited and gloriously succulent Krazee Cheezee Bacon Burger with extra Wacky Sauce, for those of you who wanted to know. I know I would have, if I had been you. I used to be an actor. I'm good at the role-playing thing.

And so we reach the end of this particular arc, if a parabolic hopskip from the apartment to the grocer's to the apartment to the burger joint of fate can indeed be considered an arc.

I suppose, mathematically, that it would have to be. But what do I know of maths?

Anyway, if I hadn't brought this particular "storyline" (a term I use loosely) to a close, Sarah would probably have strangled me to death with a USB cable. I think she's getting a tiny bit tired of drawing the Bacon Frenzy shirt. But fear not, for I'm sure that Brighton has any number of other entertaining shirts tucked away in her wardrobe. Narnia may or may not also be in there.

I'd like to take a moment to apologize for the site outage over the weekend. Comic Genesis, our hosting provider, had some combined hardware/software problems that brought down their entire network of webcomics, including (obviously) us. But after a few hours they managed to get everything back up and running again, so all's well and good. If you see the site having problems again in the future (like, if it's not loading), it might be worth it to check out @ComicGenesis, where the CG team posts real-time updates as they muss out technical difficulties. I personally found it heartening to see that they were hard at work diagnosing and resolving the problem.

So, any Batman fans in the house?


P.S. Sorry for the delay on today's strip. Looks like Comic Genesis's updating script is running a bit behind because of backlog from the weekend.