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Wednesday , April 29 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


What are friends for? Friends are for impromptu psychological counseling and helping put away groceries, that's what. Also, to help you move.

So the spring academic semester is winding to a close here, having left madness, blood, and frothing chaos in its wake. On the upside, the rolling green metaphorical pastures of summer are tantalizingly close.

"Chaos" is a good word.

I'm finding that keeping my writing concise and to the point (in the comic, anyway) is coming more and more naturally. And it's not really that it comes out that way on the first try, it's just that after I finish writing a strip, it has become easier to pick out things that can be excised without brutalizing the comic's coherence. This, I think, is necessary to any form of written expression, but it finds new importance when there is a literal and immediate space constraint to reckon with.

I realize, looking at today's especially text-heavy strip, that this may not be the best time to be talking about how I've learned my lesson. But trust me, it was a lot worse in the first draft. There probably wouldn't've been space for Kent in the second panel before I took a hacksaw to it.

Also, this strip gained an alternate title once I was finished editing it: "Ďa Ďa Libido Fhtagn". It was elected that we go with the original title in order to not frighten people off. Because, you know, Cthulhu. I'm still pretty proud of the fact that I realized "Cthulhu" and "libido" are rhythmically identical, though. ...Proud, and a little bit disturbed.

Yes, I'm one of those heathens who pronounces is "kuh-thoo-loo". You Lovecraft purists can run around pronouncing it the "right" way, if you want. I won't stop you.

Won't matter a whit when he rises from R'lyeh and devours us all.
