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Wednesday , May 27 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Well, here's one of the two promised colour strips for this week. I know Friday's is always in colour, but it'll be in... I dunno, extra super colour or something.

You know what? You'll be getting a nudey picture. Don't be ungrateful.

Also, what do you mean Brighton's hair changed? It's always been like that. And we've always been at war with Oceania.



The Writer    Posted by:


Apologies about the missed Monday strip. Somewhere between our marveling at the three-day weekend and my voracious appetite for porn, we just plumb forgot to get it done. ...On the whole, though, I think our record for a hobbyist comic isn't half bad. We're still updating--how many months later? Three, almost? Anyway, I imagine that's longer than most startup webcomics manage, you know?

Have been watching the first season of Alias recently. It's considerably different than I thought it would be. The show in general, not just the first season. Overall, it's made a good impression on me, I think. I've been told by reliable sources that it gets even better as it goes on, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.

It's interesting how one web enterprise (such as a webcomic) leads into another (such as the burgeoning project I'm working on now with some accomplices), which eventually turns into a strange addiction to manually tweaking HTML and CSS in a text editor while doing lines of JavaScript off a hooker's vagina. It's like one day I was looking up precisely how to do this web design nonsense and the next thing I knew I was comparing webhost prices and had a local installation of WordPress running on my laptop so I could dig around in its guts to see what makes it tick.

And yes, WordPress, open source, me, predictable, et cetera. My point is, it's a slippery slope, these Internets. Like a kiddie slide with Crisco on.
