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Monday , April 27 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


So, Kent in the first panel might be the first thing that I've really enjoyed, as far as final products go. Who knows, one of these days I might settle on a character design for everybody.

I'm really digging the way the site's coming out. A legit About page and all, huh? Sweet action. Maybe eventually I'll draw up profile pictures for everyone for the Cast page. Maybe. If I can stop having sex long enough to do that.

Harf harf harf.

~ sjh

The Writer    Posted by:


Boy, that's terrible for Sarah. I'm glad that I don't have to worry about having so much sex that I can't work on the comic.

...Wait. What?

I'm a big fan of how Brighton looks in the last panel. Serious bedroom eyes, right there, as compared to Kent's terrific crankiness. I only wrote the dialogue for this strip, leaving the visuals entirely up to Sarah. Partly because I couldn't come up with an activity for Kent and Brighton, and partly because it's just fun to see how it turns out.

I realized earlier today that I truly enjoy living in the digital age. I open up Google Chrome in the morning, and am promptly presented with my iGoogle homepage. On this page are my horoscope for the day (for kicks), a brief weather report, the five top stories on CNN, the eight top stories weeded out from multiple news sources, a list of recent Slashdot articles, the top seven links on Digg, and Google Reader's list of all the webcomics I follow that have updated during the night. From there, I pick and choose what I investigate further, as a sultan of old might have selected an exotic beauty from his vast harem. Except, instead of women from the four corners of the world, I am plucking pure data from the ether.

The sheer surfeit of information and its easy access combine to make me feel remarkably like a Shadowrun decker, when I'm not worrying about never again knowing the touch of a woman, ever.
