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Friday , May 29 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Well, here's the second colour strip for the week. I hope you're happy. I stayed up far later than I should have, working on this. For you. For YOU.

Sorry, I've had a few drinks tonight and I think I'm getting belligerent.

Also, before I forget, here's the naughty picture I promised you. I imagine there'll be a full-colour, wallpaper-sized version of it here before too long. Just not tonight.



The Writer    Posted by:


Another one of those evenings where, for the sake of consciousness during the time I'm supposed to be paid to work, I get to author the news post before I've seen the comic itself. Not complaining, mind you. It forces me to come up with my own material, as it were. And the strip always comes out looking good, so it's not like I have to sit here and chew on my figurative fingernails wondering if I'll feel inescapable Internet shame by attaching my name to it.

There's just, you know, that sucking sound. From the vacuum that I'm writing in. ...Or that might be the actual sound my writing makes. If that's the case...well, insert whatever lewd joke you care to here. There are so many of them to pick from, and such arrangements of humor are like those buffets that circle an entire room and have about twenty different kinds of pie and don't even get me started on the roast beef, and the selection is just so damn succulent it's hard to choose where to begin. I mean, when you have both chicken-fried steak and chicken-fried chicken, what's a man to do? Who am I, a mere mortal, to choose? Only God can choose, and he's probably off playing shuffleboard with Jesus while trying to talk the kid into the whole Second Coming business, so indecision reigns and everyone goes hungry.

I've bludgeoned the metaphor to a bloody pulp, but I hope you can excise my meaning. Whoo, this migraine medicine is potent.


P.S. Just got my first look at the strip mid-coloring. I really like the look of this one.