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Friday , April 17 , 2009

The Artist    Posted by:


Ugh. I haven't really been happy with anything I've drawn this week. I apologize.

Actually, I take that back. I enjoy Kent's expression in this last panel. That's the look of a man who knows he's not helping the situation.

"You left me at a table with a jilted gamer lesbian last night, you bitch!"

~ sjh

The Writer    Posted by:


I love Kent's expressions in this. In the first panel he's wracked with paranoia--as I would be, if I had just met someone who identified me on sight by name but who I had never seen before in my life. Then in the last panel, as Sarah pointed out to me, his expression is very much, "You left me alone in a bar with a jilted lesbian, and I am not helping you at all by saying this."

Also, I think "raffle" is a funny word. You may disagree.

The writing of this strip was interesting. The original draft was composed by me at around 2 AM on Wednesday, was hurriedly spit-shined about ten hours later before I emailed it to Sarah, at whose hands it saw significant and necessary trimming down, and then it was finally returned to me for further editing as I lettered the comic. Such is the life of my writings.

Even with the cuttings and the adjustments, I think I still got a bit too wordy in this one. I was dimly aware of that as I was writing, but I found myself not caring. I was having to bust through the dense, coal-like layers of extra crispy burnout caked over the writerly parts of my personality to come up with a script, any script. Like an astronaut of old perched atop a Saturn 5 booster rocket powering through the atmosphere on sheer pyrotechnic fury, I was far too intent on my destination to worry about getting there elegantly.

The writing could always have been worse, though. We could've used that first draft, which didn't even mention teddy bears. That would've been a terrible loss. A loss for all humankind.
