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Wednesday , April 22 , 2009

The Writer    Posted by:


For those who are wondering, Kent is joking in the second panel. At least, I hope he is.

I actually assembled this strip myself, from the scanning stages up, in GIMP (which is like Photoshop, but free*). It took me about an hour to get all the piecing-together done. This is why I am a writer and not a graphic designer. I dabble in graphic design from time to time, so I have some experience, but I didn't really know what I was getting into with this. Here's to hoping it passes muster. I'm sure Sarah could've had the whole shebang tossed together in the time it takes for...something not very long to happen, if she'd had the chance.

Not much news from the site construction front, I'm afraid. I've been far too busy mucking about with schoolwork and laundry to get around to it. I do understand that the site renders horrifically in IE 5 (I think was the version number), and I'll have to see what I can do to remedy that. I wouldn't have even known this, but Sarah's work still uses IE 5, and she sent me a screenshot of the site as shown by it. No information is lost, and the strip still shows up, but everything just looks...unfortunate. Thankfully, we seem to show up properly in the most recent editions of the browsers I've got (IE, Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome), though I can't speak for Opera or other browsers.

At this point, I'll just kind of cross my fingers and hope they all work, too.


* GIMP is also--all together now--open source. Very good, you're learning! And I'm painfully predictable.